Call Us Today! 301-898-2570

Auto Repair

Linac Automobile Services, Inc. is a premier provider of auto repairing shop for most types of vehicle bodies, models and brands. If your car is not more than five years old and something’s not right in its functioning, you can approach any of our dealers for a quote.

We deal with all sorts of auto repairs for common problems like:

  • Engine Misfires caused by carbon or oil fouled sparkplugs, bad spark plug wires, bad fuel delivery, vacuum leaks and mechanical breakdowns
  • Evaporative Emissions Leak and/or Failure
  • A “System Running Too Lean” code due to vacuum leaks, bad injectors, faulty injector drivers, and lack of software updates
  • Catalytic Converter Failure
  • EGR System Failure

Auto body repairs are also available. Services may include:

  • Collision repairs
  • Glass replacements
  • Custom and non-custom painting
  • Repairs for dents, and more!

Our shop has in-house auto mechanics who can do troubleshooting for everyday car troubles such as failure in start-ups, air filter problems and brake problems. They can even give you advice on which oils to use for changing, for instance, helping you increase the efficiency of your vehicle.

Call us today at 301-898-2570 to get a quote or simply have your questions answered.